Ok, welcome to my site! This is the first website I worked on since my previous sites I was apart of! (ie. slsthehedgehog.webs.com, thepawesomefelinefriendsoffurever.webs.com and also tailsforssb4.webs.com [that one was real old! thank you aspen for making that site! i miss it everyday :P] )
Okay, a little history on my interactions with people on the internet... (this is here so i don't forget anything eventually T_T...)
I think my first interaction with other people was Wizard101! Going under my first username, cat101458, I started playing very early! There wasn't even a paywall on chatting when i first joined! I remember the first bundle i convinced my family to get me was the one with the gryphon mount, which I think was rare for AWHILE until they rereleased it! Wish I managed to get the beta dragon...
At this point in time, i was mostly watching AOSTH and Krypto the Superdog on youtube, but also a bunch of sonic gmod videos. Sonic Zombies, random Shadow759 stuff, i swear to god i remember a series about Tails Doll or something and another with Scourge the Hedgehog showing up randomly somewhere. i remember the scourge one bc it was the first time i saw the guy, i think this was back in 2008! i started collecting archie comic stuff after i learned about him, i guess ive always liked green LOL! also watched a bunch of sonic archie comic scan videos that are like 144p XD
Edit: i also remember watching alot of Sonic Shorts, Sonic Uncut, MobianAngel, SML, sonicsong182, and just a bunch of plush videos at the time :P i genuinely found mobianangel first through their Glitches with Tails series
Edit 2: Sometime between these two things, I remember watching Sonic Trick and Treat then playing the new Pokemon Lost Silver game, and getting confused that it wasn't a rom I could play on Vizzed.com XD. Sassysonic's White and Nerdy video is a fond memory from this time :P
Next, I remember playing alot on SRB2 and Roblox. Honestly, it's hard to remember if I was playing Wizard101 or SRB2 first, lol! My first Sonic-themed usernames showed up on these, with sonicslittlesis, or SLS on most days bc I was lazy, and then my other user soniclover199 for Roblox. Actually, funny story about that username, I met someone in SRB2 that I like to consider now an old friend. They hosted a server with the SF94 content on it most of the time, and they ALSO used the name Soniclover. Not that crazy of a coincidence, right? Of course someone would love sonic on SRB2, right? Well, I was an insufferable little child and I think I got mad that I had shared a name with someone XD! I'm glad I never met any of the other 198 Soniclovers on Roblox LOL!
Eventually, I think I got like my internet access restricted by firewall stuff my grandparents put on my computer?? IDK how that worked but I started playing more Gamecube games and also more stuff on my Sega Genesis. (this was close to sonic generations' announcement date! you remember, the trailer with the two hedgehogs? XD)
I got really into Sonic 2, Sonic R, Sonic CD, and Sonic the Fighters at this time :D along with a bunch of random gamecube games like Mario Kart: Double Dash,
Kirby Airride, Super Smash Bros Melee, Pokemon Channel. I also started getting into videos by MissingnoXpert, which led me into being really interested in pokemon glitches :P so i was mostly just playing with different old sonic games and pokemon games to see what weird things i could do with them. I really liked the "cheat codes" you could input into sonic games XD
After that, in approximately 2014, we moved and my computer broke at some point I think :( So I was mostly playing on my pretty new 3DS, my new Wii U and my old Gamecube, and using an Ipod Touch to contact my friends on Skype :P I started watching a bunch more Vocaloid stuff at this point and watching Xanauzumaki's abridgeds, i reread all of the first 3 arcs of Pokespe ( i had read them as a kid at my library b4 i was online) and I ended up reading all of the Kagerou Project manga, I watched all of Marble Hornets, and then binged all of South Park. I was really bored LOL! i also got a laptop and it broke within 2 or so months bc i spilled soda on it T_T it was sad :( at this time in my life i was really into pokemon trading, so i would get alot of interesting pokemon for my friends. I got my old friend Chance a Jirachi that year :D it took a long time tho
I'll add more later! After 2015, it just gets really sad, so I want to save that for later bc this is a really positive post for me :D